Knowledge Management Forum

Knowledge Management Online Forum

This is a new KM Forum that was launched on 27th February 2009. It gives an opportunity to make comments, opinions,ask questions, share knowledge, ideas and connections, and provide feedback.

Please help us to 'kick-start' the forum by participating as much as possible.

During the next few weeks, we will be inputting proposed discussion topics. But what is most important is for you to let us know the topics that you really would find to be of great value to you to discuss and ask questions. In time, we will be asking leading KM practitioners to provide a lead, to coach, facilitate and to support new members and new KM practitioners.

If you are new to using forums, please follow the 'help' information. If you would be willing to volunteer to support and facilitate, discussions, please let us know.

Enter the Forum here

Facebook Forum

If you are on Facebook, you may also like to join the Knowledge Management Online Group that has just started here.

Facebook Knowledge Management Online Group

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