Arthur Shelley

by Arthur Shelley
(Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)



Arthur was the Gobal Knowledge Director for Cadbury Schweppes from 2003-07 before which he worked on international projects in Australia, Asia, Europe and USA. After 20 years of working in both corporate (mainly) and government (research) sectors he commenced teaching Knowledge Management part time through the RMIT University MBA program. He won the RMIT Outstanding Sessional Teacher Award for his KM program in 2009.

Based in Melbourne and working globally Arthur is a regular speaker and workshop facilitator. He has Chaired KM Australia twice and facilitates the Melbourne Knowledge management Leadership Forum which hold 12-15 networking events per year hosting local and international speakers. He is the authr of The Organizational Zoo, A survival guide to workplace behavior (2007) and Being a Successful Knowledge Leader, What knowledge practitioners need to know to make a difference (2009). Arthur is completing his PhD on the impacts of behaviour on knowledge tranfer and project outcomes.

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